Friday, March 12, 2021

Mandate (March 1988), Part One

In October of 1987, more than half a million gay and lesbian activists gathered at the nation’s capital to rail against the government’s apathy toward the AIDS epidemic, particularly the Helms Amendment which prevented federal funding for AIDS educational material that promoted homosexuality. The event launched a series of similar protests throughout the nation as well as in Europe, with fifteen hundred demonstrators marching in retaliation to Bavaria’s mandated HIV antibody testing for civil servants. This March 1988 issue of Mandate (which has been broken into two parts) champions the October protest with both an article on the event and an erotic short story, “Coast to Coast,” about a New Yorker and San Franciscan’s rendezvous while attending the Washington march. Also included in the first half of this issue are spreads of models Aleck and Roland, information about substance abuse in the gay community, and a piece on the Pisces astrological sign.

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