Friday, May 31, 2024

Torso (May 1987), Part Two

In his article “What Is This Thing Called a Lover?” found in this May 1987 issue of Torso (which has been broken into two parts), Dennis Decameron explores what constitutes a same-sex relationship. Exploring the dynamics of several couples, the writer contends that, unlike a heterosexual relationship where children are the primary focus, the concentrations in homosexual unions are different, ranging from an interest in real estate to mutual creativity. Yet, despite these varied attentions, sex, Decameron argues, is the main focus for all homosexual bonds. Included in this second half (see the first half here) is a review of the adult film Sunstroke, an advertisement for the Pride Institute alcohol and substance abuse recovery center, and photo spreads titled “Afrique” and “Under Construction.”

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