Friday, September 6, 2024

Advocate Classifieds (September 1993)

An author of erotic fiction, Patrick Califia worked as the sexual advice columnist for several homoerotic magazines, including Advocate Classifieds and Drummer, during his early writing career. Since then, he has written essays on gender identity and become a member of the third-wave feminism movement. This September 1993 issues of Advocate Classifieds features Califia’s response to two readers expressing their disdain for the author’s tolerance for transgender individuals. Also contained in this edition is the short story “Jack the Boxer” (about a burglar’s encounter with the athletic homeowner whose house he is caught robbing) and spreads of model Dirk Angeles, who appeared in three pornographic films and eight magazines between 1992 and 1994. NOTE: An incomplete version of this issue was posted on September 16, 2022. Since then, I stumbled on a complete copy.

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