Friday, September 11, 2020

Adam Gay Video (September 1993), Part Two

In 1966, William Rotsier launched The Adam Film Quarterly as an additional publication of the Knight Publishing Corporation, which began releasing the magazine Adam in 1956 as a contender to Playboy. Printed monthly, the text offered insights into the pornography business, including interviews with performers and video reviews. Over time, the Knight Publishing Company added other titles to its lineup, with Adam Gay Video being among the last in the late 1980s. Akin to its straight-porn peers, Adam Gay Video featured a survey of the homoerotic industry and competed with similar publications like Manshots. The September 1993 issue (which has been broken into two parts) reflects this, with the second half (see the first half here) containing profiles of models Glenn McAllister, Ty Russell, and Johnny Utah and video stills from Body Search, Command Performance, and Wet ‘n’ Wild.

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