Friday, June 23, 2023

Mandate (June 1991), Part Two

By 1991, the AIDS epidemic had devastated the gay community for a decade and, although there was no cure, there were an array of treatments and ample amounts of information on how to stop its transmission. One of the main organizations assisting in the funding of education and research was the American Foundation for AIDS Research. Founded in 1985, the agency (now called The Foundation for AIDS Research) continues to raise funds to end the global AIDS epidemic, having awarded more than 3,500 grants to research teams and $617 million in programs. In this June 1991 issue of Mandate (which has been broken into three parts), an advertisement for the organization asks readers to subscribe to their AIDS/HIV Treatment Directory, which gave information about experimental treatments and helped raise funds for their cause. Contained in this second third (see the first third here) are photospreads titled “Malibu Man,” “Man Servant,” and “Tan Lines.”

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