Friday, July 26, 2019

Bear (July/August 1991)

In addition to advertisements for the Leather Line and Lone Star Saloon, the July/August issue of Bear showcases spreads of three readers: P.C. and Nick Polanski, who both arrived independently at the publisher's office and requested photo shoots, and Dennis Thompson, who submitted his own self-portraits to the magazine for publication.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Savage Male (July 1996), Part Two

Despite an advertisement in the August 1994 issue of the popular music magazine Spin and spreads with models from Falcon and Hot House, Savage Male experienced a brief life, running from 1993 to 1997 and only releasing thirty issues. Like many of its peers, the publication offered erotic fiction, nude pictures, and video reviews. Unfortunately, its features did little to distinguish it from what, by the 1990s, became an overly inundated marketplace of homoerotic magazines and, like Heat and several other publications, it suffered an ephemeral existence. Broke into two parts, this July 1996 issue is an exemplification of this factor. In the second part (see the first part here), spreads of models Karl Bruno and Chase Hunter are accompanied by an interview with Jeff Stryker, an equestrian-themed quiz, and a behind-the-scenes look at Chi Chi LaRue's Under Covers.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Savage Male (July 1996), Part One

Despite an advertisement in the August 1994 issue of the popular music magazine Spin and spreads with models from Falcon and Hot House, Savage Male experienced a brief life, running from 1993 to 1997 and only releasing thirty issues. Like many of its peers, the publication offered erotic fiction, nude pictures, and video reviews. Unfortunately, its features did little to distinguish it from what, by the 1990s, became an overly inundated marketplace of homoerotic magazines and, like Heat and several other publications, it suffered an ephemeral existence. Broke into two parts, this July 1996 issue is an exemplification of this factor. In the first part, spreads of models Tom Chase, Reinaldo Medeiros, and Cliff Parker are accompanied by a Savage Tales cartoon.