Friday, August 28, 2020

Bolt (August 1991), Part Two

As historians D. Duane Cummins and William Gee White highlight, the United States, following World War I, experienced an economic prosperity paralleled only by the Eisenhower opulence that would emerge decades later in the 1950s. At the heart of this affluence was the appearance of the automobile, which granted the nation a mobility unfathomable to previous generations and fostered economic development. It also, according to the photographic showcase “Sex on Wheels” in this August 1991 issue of Bolt (which has been broken into two parts), provided Americans with a new mode for sexual exploration. The second half of the magazine (see the first half here) features spreads of models Chad Knight, Johnny Rahm, Michael Skor, and James Westlynd.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Bolt (August 1991), Part One

As historians D. Duane Cummins and William Gee White highlight, the United States, following World War I, experienced an economic prosperity paralleled only by the Eisenhower opulence that would emerge decades later in the 1950s. At the heart of this affluence was the appearance of the automobile, which granted the nation a mobility unfathomable to previous generations and fostered economic development. It also, according to the photographic showcase “Sex on Wheels” in this August 1991 issue of Bolt (which has been broken into two parts), provided Americans with a new mode for sexual exploration. In addition to the car-themed collage, the first half also offers spreads of models Danny Brown, Jacques LeFauvre, and Chip Matthews.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Savage Male (August 1996), Part Two

In an effort to combat the AIDS epidemic, the homosexual community launched aggressive safe-sex campaigns throughout the 1980s and 1990s that ranged from LA Cares’ use of Zelda Rubinstein as an informational figure to overt condom use in pornography. Phone sex was also one of these practices and homoerotic publications regularly touted its effectiveness at satiating an individual’s sexual needs while maintaining their health. In the article by Brady Morgan, found in this August 1996 issue of Savage Male (which has been broken into two parts), the author argues that phone sex does more than just dampen the spread of HIV. For men questioning their sexuality, it provides a safe space for anonymous exploration and, for men living in isolated and rural locations, it serves as a lifeline to the gay community. In the second half (see the first half here), Morgan’s text is complemented by Thom Proco’s Savage Tails cartoon championing the delights of phone sex and spreads of models Chance Caldwell, Steve Cannon, and Paul Carrigan.