Friday, April 29, 2022

Blueboy (April/May 1977), Part Two

From the quick wit of Bette Davis to the tenacious sexuality of Mae West, powerful female actresses have, according to M.D. Sterling, provided gay men a sense of identity. Sterling’s argument, contained in the April/May 1977 issue of Blueboy (which has been broken into two parts), is among many that attest to the role Hollywood camp has served in building a unique homosexual persona. Yet, Sterling’s article is not the only element within the publication which addresses the community’s rising sense of self: there is also a historical glimpse into the sexual practices of pirates and an homage to Japanese novelist Mishima. In the second half (see the first half here), the texts on Mishima and pirates are paired with a photospread titled “Pick Up” and a parody of magazine covers.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Blueboy (April/May 1977), Part One

From the quick wit of Bette Davis to the tenacious sexuality of Mae West, powerful female actresses have, according to M.D. Sterling, provided gay men a sense of identity. Sterling’s argument, contained in the April/May 1977 issue of Blueboy (which has been broken into two parts), is among many that attest to the role Hollywood camp has served in building a unique homosexual persona. Yet, Sterling’s article is not the only element within the publication which addresses the community’s rising sense of self: there is also a historical glimpse into the sexual practices of pirates and an homage to Japanese novelist Mishima. In the first half, Sterling’s text is paired with a photospread on odd sex, advice on how to make anal intercourse less painful, and a celebration of the centerfold.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Jock (April 2001)

Monogamy in same-sex partnerships is a topic that splits the community, with some, like Karla Jay, arguing most gay men and lesbian women actively seek stable relationships and others, like Julie Lee, contending monogamy is an ephemeral novelty which eventually breaks down, especially among gay men. In this April 2001 issue of Jock, advice columnist Priapus takes the side of Jay and stresses the need to kindle the flames of a relationships rather than seek newer passion elsewhere. Also included in this edition are photospreads of models Kyle Becker, Clint Fox, Kyle Stevens, and Tristian.