Friday, March 27, 2020

Uncut (March 1987), Part Two

In an effort satiate readership demands, Uncut regularly featured nearly a dozen uncircumcised models in each of its publications, which often left little room for elements such as short stories, articles on current affairs, and artistic showcases. In fact, this sacrifice is amply represented in the March 1987 issue. Broken into two parts, the second half (see the first half here) offers spreads of models Cowboy Frank, Bobby Davis, Rick Hart, Chad Johnson, Little Joe, and Steen along with a short sampling of vintage photographs.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Uncut (March 1987), Part One

In an effort satiate readership demands, Uncut regularly featured nearly a dozen uncircumcised models in each of its publications, which often left little room for elements such as short stories, articles on current affairs, and artistic showcases. In fact, this sacrifice is amply represented in the March 1987 issue. Broken into two parts, the first half offers spreads of models Chris Allen, Justin Cade, Kelly, Sven Larrin, Tony Lopazio, and Danny McGill along with a brief article on the erect penis cult of Mandela.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Torso (March 1986), Part Two

Fitness and the outdoors are prominent themes in the March 1986 issue of Torso, which has been broken into two parts. In the second half (see the first half here), spreads of models John Paul, Corey Sommer, and Nathan Springer are accompanied by a showcase of Bill Emrich’s photography, a cartoon by Nico featuring a bisexual threeway, and advertisements for HIS Video’s Caribbean Cruising and Eagle Studio.